
Register for a Free Simply MA.DE Account


Shop any Products you like and Earn Points


Redeem Points for Discount


Check Out & Win more Points for following Purchases!

How to Earn Points

How to Earn Points

You can earn Points by Completing Several Tasks.
The main task for Earning Points is by Shopping from our Website.
For each Euro (€) you spend on our website you Earn 1 Point!

€1.00 = 1 Point


Other Actions That Reward You Points

Register: 300 Points
Product Review: 300 Points


Account Register - 300 Points

By Registering an Account with us, you are automatically awarded with 300 Points.


Product Review - 300 Points

After a Successful Product Purchase you are allowed to Review the items you have purchased by visiting the Product Details Page and Clicking on the Reviews Tab below the Item Description.
After a Successful Product Review and Approval by us, you are automatically awarded with 300 Points.

Am I Eligible To Win Or Use Points ?

Everyone using our website and has Registered an Account with us is Eligible to Earn or Make Use of our Points & Rewards Customer Loyalty Program.
Please be sure that you have provided full and true information about you during the Register procedure.

Points Value

Earning Points

€1.00 = 1 Point


Redeeming Points

100 Points = €1.00

Where is my Points Balance?

In Your Account Details Page!
You may see your Points Balance and Points Log in your Account Page!
We provide you with a full log of your points balance with details of when and how your points were earned or spent.

How to Redeem Points for Discount?

By Shopping With Us!
Each Point you Collect, you can exchange it for shopping discounts from us!
Each Point worth €0,01.

Points can not be transferred to another person or exchange them for cash or products or any other way.

100 Points = €1.00

During Check-Out you can choose how many Points you would like to Redeem in order to Get a Discount on your Order.

As mentioned above, each Point worth €0.01. You can Redeem as many points as you like for each Purchase.

For Example, if you have 540 Points you can use all of them to get a Discount worth €5.40 or enter a partial amount of Points to use like 360 which equals to €3.60.

When you are on the Check – Out Page, Click on Apply Discount Button and a Dialog Box will appear asking you how many Points would you like to apply. Just enter the number of Points to use and click OK. The Discount will be automatically applied to your order and you may confirm it when you are on the last step of Check-Out, the Order Review Tab.

You can also Remove the Discount from the last step of Check-Out, the Order Review Tab, by clicking the Remove button next to the Discount.

Can I lose Points?

Your Points can never be lost or taken away from you.
The only way that our System will remove Points from your Account is when you return a product for a Refund. In this case, the system will automatically remove the points earned during that transaction.


We’ll be happy to provide additional information or answer any questions. Please go to Contact page.